About Us
We strive to build good relations with all of our patients, to help understand their individual needs, and to ensure treatment is delivered comfortably. We will always act to place the patient's best interest first and our very experienced dental team will help make the treatment journey run as smooth as possible.

Our Surgery
Our air conditioned surgeries are equipped with the very latest state-of-the-art equipment and we pride ourselves in carefully selecting the best materials and techniques to deliver successful treatment.
A huge investment plan to fully refurbish the practice started in 2013 and already two of the three surgeries have been completely revamped. Our reception has been modernized and we are in the process of digitizing all patient communications and paperwork.
You can view more details about our dentists and staff on our about us page. If you would like any further information please do not hesitate to send us a question directly via the contact page or by phone.
Our Latest Report